Ukraine Missions Trip Report

On the last weekend of March, eight of us from the Rocky Mountain Prairie Unit and the South Fraser Unit departed for Kyiv, Ukraine via Frankfurt, Germany to provide children’s ministry and strengthen connections with the Foursquare Church in Europe. The team included Pastor Carolyn Crowell, one of her sons Timothy Crowell, and Danielle Rupp from New Life.

Lizzy Jorgensen, director of Canadian Foursquare Missions assembled the team at the invitation of the Foursquare Church in Europe. While there, she participated in the conference and connected with our missionaries while the rest of us were released to provide an age appropriate conference experience for the children in attendance.We began our trip in Bühl, Germany with FMI Missionaries Brandon and Marcie Brazee. The Brazees hosted us by providing orientation, assisting with travel details, opening up discussions & giving perspective on missions, and getting us warmed up with a couple of projects.

On April 4th, all ten of us departed for Kyiv and got off to a fast start as we arrived just as the conference was beginning due to travel delays.

It didn’t take long for the children at the conference to warm up to the idea of having their own space to come to. Pastor Chris of Cornerstone Calgary prepared indoor and outdoor activities, music, Bible learning, and ministry times for the children for all of us to facilitate.

During meal times and in transitions, we were encouraged to get to know some of the European missionaries and gain a better understanding of long-term missions in Foursquare.

We also were able to enjoy some cross-cultural experiences as a part of the conference.

Our time in Kyiv was great success! We had a hard time closing the doors to the children’s space at the end of the conference because they wanted to stay. There were opportunities for each of us to connect specifically with and minister to each child individually. Parents were happy that their children were able to have their own conference experience.

If one thing was evident from our time with the children, it was how much our missionary kids need the prayers, support, and contact of others. One of the resounding themes we heard was the difficulty of fitting in at school. We spent time praying God’s grace and protection over each of them in this area.

We also were reminded of how important it is to keep our missionaries front and center in our local churches. They also need our prayers, support, and contact.

There are ways we can reach out on special occasions, we can send them a treat from home that isn’t available in their area, we can pray for them as they take on ministry challenges that go beyond their natural abilities-such as preaching in a second language or pioneering a new work. And we can also give financially anytime!

As you finish reading this post, please stop and take a moment to pray for our missionaries:

John and Anneli Kelly (children Aria and Levi) in Estonia.

Lana Davidson and husband John (children Gabriel and new baby Joshua) in Costa Rica.

Brandon and Marcie Brazee (children Kaitlyn and Hudson) in Germany.

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